Joe Rogan's Carnivore Diet

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Joe Rogan mentions he's noticed it provided him with increased focus, reduced body fat, and more stable energy levels. He reports that his brain functions better on the diet, with improvements in cognitive performance and overall health. However, he also discusses some side effects, such as digestive issues, and emphasizes the importance of including enough fat in the diet.

Keep in mind, this is based on Joe Rogan's personal experience with the carnivore diet; while he cites some research, the benefits and side effects he mentions may not apply universally.

Why Joe Rogan Returned to the Carnivore Diet

Joe Rogan returned to the carnivore diet in 2023 after realizing he felt his best while on it. He noticed significant improvements in his focus, mental clarity, and overall brain performance. Rogan experienced more stable energy levels throughout the day, without the usual highs and lows associated with carbohydrate-rich diets. He also reported health benefits such as fat loss and reduced symptoms of his autoimmune condition, vitiligo, which showed improvement in skin appearance.

joe rogan carnivore diet

What Joe Rogan Eats on a Carnivore Diet

On a carnivore diet, Rogan primarily consumes meat and eggs, favoring grass-fed beef, elk, and bacon to maintain his protein and fat intake.

joe rogan elk

Elk, being lean, is often cooked in grass-fed beef tallow to add fat, which is essential for this diet. He also includes some fruits and vegetables occasionally, despite initially being strict with just meat, fish, and eggs. Rogan typically has a late breakfast of steak or eggs with bacon after training, skips lunch, and has steak for dinner.

Side Effects of the Carnivore Diet

Rogan initially experienced digestive issues, particularly diarrhea, which lasted about two weeks as his body adjusted to the diet. He also mentions the risk of "rabbit starvation syndrome," where consuming too much protein without enough fat can lead to fatigue, nausea, and digestive issues. To avoid these side effects, Rogan emphasizes the importance of including sufficient fat, such as beef tallow and fatty bacon, in his meals. He also noted that his high-intensity workouts were impacted by the diet, prompting him to add fruits to balance his routine.

Regular Diet and Inflammation

Joe Rogan believes one reason he feels better on a carnivore diet is because it reduces inflammation. He argues that typical diets high in processed and sugar-laden foods contribute to chronic, low-grade inflammation, which can lead to various health issues.

chart showing what foods lead to inflammation

Rogan explains that consuming too many carbs or processed foods, like pasta, causes his energy levels to spike and crash, leading to inflammatory responses in the body.

He also mentions that some people may have adverse reactions to certain vegetables due to compounds like oxalates, which can contribute to inflammation and other health problems. Rogan’s experience highlights the potential benefits of a diet focused on whole, unprocessed animal products for reducing inflammation and maintaining stable energy levels.

Joe Rogan

Comic & Podcast Host (The Joe Rogan Experience)


Stand up comic, mixed martial arts fanatic, psychedelic adventurer, host of The Joe Rogan Experience podcast.


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